About Say It With Your Hands

Welcome to a new way of communication and expression. Say It With Your Hands is a
Certified Instructor of Baby Signing Time classes (for children 0-3 and parents).

Stay tuned for upcoming class schedules and opportunities to see Signing Time and
Baby Signing Time Products displayed!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

See Signing Time for yourself!

Exciting news...  I will have a booth at Bethany Learning Center's Spring Carnival on Friday, April 8, 2011 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm.  This family fun event will include games, inflatables, food, and a raffle!  Be sure to buy a ticket from Bethany Learning Center the week before and get entered into the raffle - where you could win a mystery Signing Time goody bag!

This is your chance to get a sample of Signing Time videos, songs, and other resources!  I will have products available at a discount for this special event.  Stop by and sign up for a new class!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

One business, 500 million log-ins

So, I'm getting everything together to launch my Signing Time business...and it's crazy how many different websites/apps/logins that involves!  It's not just enough to have a website, or a blog, or a business card.  Now it's facebook, twitter, youtube, and then trying to figure out how to connect them all.  Fun times.  Welcome to now.  I'm feeling old!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hello world!

Hello and thanks for checking out my website. I am a new Baby Signing Time instructor in Arizona, and I will be adding information about classes, schedules, etc. soon! Feel free to contact me with inquiries. In the meantime, you can check out the Signing Time line of products here.